Support for doing business in the UK and Ukraine. Events promoting commercial connections between our two countries.
Guidance on doing business in the UK and Ukraine covers information and support provided by the UK and Ukraine governments, financial support, legal consultants, tech hubs and R&D.
Listed below are events across tech-related sectors, which the UK Government and UK business plan to attend. These are opportunities for network building and learn what the UK has to offer.
Doing Business in Ukraine and the UK
Consider the following guidance on Doing Business in Ukraine
Learn more
Consider the following guidance on Doing Business in the UK
Learn more
Trade events
See below UK-Ukraine specific and wider sector events to improve your view of new business opportunities.
We expect DBT teams and UK companies to attend the Sector Trade Events. If you have questions or want to meet attendees, contact
UK-Ukraine Tech Events:
More to follow...
26 - 28 September 2025. Lviv, Ukraine.